Terra Nova Arts

Monday, March 05, 2007

playwrights/actors: call for artists

The Actual Theater Company
Our Mission:
To create a sustained Playwright's workshop to:
--Build Community, Diversity, and Inclusion by
--Creating dynamic, original theater that represents the stories of real people in a manner that a diverse audience will find compelling, challenging, and inspiring.
--mentoring young and emerging local writers, so that they may recognize and achieve their potential, with a particular emphasis on inspiring and nurturing their educational as well as professional ambitions and sense of civic responsibility.
--contributing to the vitality and vibrancy of the Capital region, by presenting a year-round season
featuring the work of our participants.
The Actual Theater Company offers opportunities for people interested in acting, directing, stage managing, writing, building sets, lights, sound, and costumes. We plan to fully involve the local arts community, local high schools, as well as undergrads, grad students, graduates and faculty from local colleges; as directors, designers, and actors.
Our goal is to give young, and untested playwrights the opportunity to follow their scripts through the production process and work closely with actors and directors on revisions. It gives actors the opportunity to work on the creation of new roles and technicians the chance to work as part of an ensemble; while giving audiences the opportunity to discover and support new talent.
Playwrights may submit two ONE-ACT plays for our spring/autumn 2007 season (30 seconds to 30 minutes in length) Keep in mind we are a small company taking the risk to produce new works; and cannot accommodate large casts or long lists of tech requirements.
-Works that are ambitious, fresh, playful, engaging, energizing, provocative, powerful and theatrical.
-Works that reveal unheard and vital perspectives.
-Authors with clear goals about their writing who are open to Actual Theater Company's development process
We do not shy away from strong language, violence, or mature themes. Nor do we require them, just tell us a good STORY.
Calling All Actors!!
We've been holding open auditions, for actors to perform the work of our participants during our spring and autumn 2007 season, at our headquarters located at: The Social Justice Center, 33 Central Ave. in Albany; but we still have room for a few more talented and committed actors of all ages, races, and genders to join our ensemble. For more info call: 518-253-3756 or click on the auditions link on our website


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