There's must-see TV... and musts that we must follow, as a church, as Christ-followers, as individuals with dreams that we want to see accomplished.
This past Sunday, Ed posed a question, "What are some of your musts?" He wasn't pretending to know the answer, assuming that we all wake up and have morning devotions with "My Utmost for His Highest" or tune in to God one particular way. We don't all do that. Paul heard God very clearly, Ed said, and it wasn't the means that was important but the fact that Paul responded and was COMPELLED to go to where he must, where God moved him to go.
So what are your musts?
I couldn't help but think of Judy Blume's book "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret," a must-read for every pre-teen young woman coming of age who has thought the same as Margaret, lying on the floor, doing boob exercises and meditating "I must, I must, I must increase my bust," hoping that certain exercises would result in bigger breasts and an onset of adolescence.
Well, there was that must at that age... and there are musts at this age, too, an age where most of you, dear readers, I think are in your 20s, 30s and 40s (am I correct)? We're still trying to figure out the answer to the question, "What should I do when I grow up?"
I hope that one of your musts would be to spend some time with Christ, asking these important questions of Jesus. I confess, I'm not too good at doing that, especially if left to my own devices. I would rather approach God with others -- praying with my husband or friends. But I was challenged by Ed's sermon to reconsider the musts of my life.
I shouldn't think that laundry and household tasks come before an even greater must in my life: asking God my important questions and going over my dreams and passions with Christ, perhaps crying because I know they are far from reality, perhaps disappointed that I didn't do all that I wanted to do before I reach this age, perhaps apprehensive about what is next in life.
But please, fellow pilgrims, come with me on this journey and let's commit to be the church and make this a must: to be people who spend time knowing and loving God and wanting to know and love each other, even more than the to-lists we drum up every day...